Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A very special Person once told me I should further personalize my Blog...

Dear readers, I'm neither sure how many of you actually do read what I write on my blog, nor do I know if anyone's interested in my personal life at all. The basic idea that came to my mind when I started this blog was to show the people out there how fabulous life in New York City can be to bring it closer to all the New York lovers. I never wanted to expose my feelings, mood or private matters, simply because I think that no one is interested in that. However, sometimes I do write about my feelings or let people know if anything bothers me (for example in this post).
The other day I went for dinner with a person whose opinion I sincerely appreciate, a person who knows me better than I do. So we went to this fancy restaurant in SoHo - seafood, yum! If you read this, dear person who took me out for dinner that night, it WAS the first time I ever had oysters (sorry I lied) and considering that you like seafood a lot (and eat loads of oysters) you have most likely noticed that anyway.
So this person tells me I should personalize my blog more... you know, writing about my experiences from a more personal point of view, about my feelings or thoughts I have. Now I ask myself: Why would I want to do that?
First of all I think my blog is pretty personal, unlike fashion bloggers who only talk about the latest fashion trends and how many pairs of shoes they own, I do write about my personal experiences in New York City.
One of my concerns is that my future boss might dislike what I'm posting here since I try to be as sincere and criticial as I can and some people might not like that. In addition to that, my privacy is everything to me, my friends and people who know me well also know how I am feeling, I don't think they have to read that on my blog as I am in contact with them anyway. 
In addition to that - thoughts running through my mind right now: Did I gain too much weight since I came to the US? Should I go to Afghanistan as a war correspondent to cover stories firsthand from the war zone? I seriously want and need to do that. How many suitcases do I need to pack to bring everything I accumulated in NYC during the last two years back to Germany and why do all my books have to be so heavy? (I should buy a Kindle) Why do so many people care that I do not have an iPhone? Am I old-fashioned just because I adore handwritten (grammatically correct) notes and letters which do not include text language like lol, rofl, smh or wtf? 
Dear person who asked me to personalize my blog, is this what you would like to read every day? I do not really consider these thoughts as interesting or enriching, but maybe you do?
Love, Laura
PS: Yes, those ARE Instagram pictures and my best friend Yasemin edited them for me.

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