Tuesday, November 19, 2013

When two Life Lovers meet

Hey guys, I hope you are all having a wonderful winter/summer, wherever you live right now. I am still soaking up some Spanish sun on Mallorca, one of my favorite places in this wonderful world.
Once again, I have been very fortunate to meet up with the lovely Encarna of Blogger Heels.
The first time I met up with this energetic girl was in August, remember I spent my entire summer on Mallorca? (Check out the post about our first meeting here). We have kept in touch for a while now so I couldn't resist seeing her when I went back to my beloved Balearic island at the beginning of this month.
This time we went for a coffee in Puerto de Alcudia where we spent over two hours chatting about love, work and life in general. To be honest, I have never met a person in my life who is so excited to see me, haha. Well, maybe my mom when she visited me in NYC, after not seeing me for over a year ;-) Anytime we meet up, Encarna is so full of joy and excitement, it's incredible! She is such a lively, joyful, and adorable person - one must love her! But what I like most about this lady is her vibrant personality and her wisdom.
You probably all have those superficial conversations once in a while, you know, when you don't really feel related to the person you're talking to, to his or her opinion; when you're bored because you're just not interested in talking about the weather or the latest gossip. I'm definitely not one of those girls, I'm kinda into those deep meaningful discussions about let's say the pursuit of happiness or the sense of life.
And Encarna is surely not one of those superficial fashion talkers! I can talk to her about any random topic, be it my love life, my travel experiences, my studies, or my New Yorker adventures - she is the most wonderful person to have a conversation with and give you advice! In return she'll tell you about her exciting vacations, her turbulent life in Palma de Mallorca and her opinion about happiness.
Furthermore she is also a pretty fashionable woman so I really enjoyed having a little photo shoot with her. Check out the photos here and also Encarna's post about our fun meeting by clicking!

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